DNOW Weekend

DNOW 2025 “The Pause”
Time: March 14th 7 PM - March 16th 12 PM; Check-in begins at 6 PM on the 14th
Location: Oak Hill Baptist Church
Lodging: Girls - Old Gym
Guys - New Gym
*** Bring your own air mattresses or cots or just a simple sleeping bag and pillow.
Cost: $40 which includes 5 meals, t-shirt, Bible study materials, etc. Money will go to your church! Youth Pastors/ Youth Volunteers are free!
Speaker: Bryan Parrish (Pastor at Lisbon Baptist Church)
Band: 13:6 Collective
Theme: The Pause - This study is based on the question, with all of the rush of the world do students know how to seek God? This weekend will teach students to "hit pause" and spend time growing their relationship with God.
Theme Verse: “I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
–Psalm 119:10-11
4 different teams for recreation this year: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow . We will let you know your team color a few weeks prior to the event to help plan accordingly
***Last Day to register is FEBRUARY 16th to guarantee spot and materials!!!*** REGISTER WITH QR CODE BELOW!
CLICK:>>> DNOW Leader/Pastor Info
CLICK:>>> DNOW Student Info/Register